Love your Vermilion Amp Sim, wish you had a Creme sounding Sim but with more clean sounds and also reverb.  Also, love the Vermilion reverb and will use it just as a reverb.  It’s fantastic.  I think people would have interest in a Vermilion style reverb plugin.  Lastly, despite your amp sims literally being two (vermillion/creme) of the three best amp sims on the market in my opinion (the other best is Am******* 3), continue to keep your prices where they are as they are beyond reasonable and affordable and are probably the best defense against piracy.  Even further, your affordable, bargain prices probably turn a lot of piracy instead into free advertising and an alternate way of getting “demo’s” out there for your company as anybody who loves these plugins can’t rationally excuse not paying $30-$40 to the amazing creators who made the plugins who greatly, greatly deserve their due.  Oh… and I can’t wait until you release an Audio Units version of your new Bass plugin!